Earn 12%-15%
Commission on Each Sale
Average Sale ($750
average for Invitations)
30 Day Cookie
Affiliate Management by
Signature Scrolls
Note: Membership applications are reviewed for acceptance,
and you will typically receive an email from us
within 24 hours from the
time that you confirm your application (by confirmation email).
We will review your site for the following things in
order to accept you into our network:
- Quality
Site Design
- Top-Level-Domain
(i.e., www.yourdomainname.com) (not required but recommended)
- Website
Language (We only accept sites in English)
- Prospective
ability of your site to drive traffic to our site
- Any
illegal, porn, hate, etc... on your site, or on sites that you link
- Other
misc. factors
made about membership applications are final, but you are free to
re-apply if you wish in the future, should your application not be
Please provide as much detail as possible when applying so
that we can review your application accurately.
Join Our Affiliate Program NOW!